Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do I Really Need Yet Another Hairbrush?

I ask myself that every time I wander down the hair care aisle. I stand there, weighing plastic and wood, looking at shapes, feeling weights and surface textures. It seems to me these days that most hairbrushes are pretty much junk, so I almost always pass. Every now and then, though, something great or different surfaces and I know it's a must for my ever growing collection.

This time it was the Edge brush by Goody. I found it at Wal-Mart. It's a wooden brush, about a 1/4 inch thick with a rat-tail handle. What's so unqiue about it is that the brush is only about 1/2 an inch wide. Imagine a toothbrush with a head about 4 inches long and you'll have the idea. It's not has heavy as some of the worst brushes out there, but it is a bit heavy for it's size. It produces a sharp, biting sting and might actually make some welts on a tender bottom. It isn't really an all over bottom blisterer, but I'm thinking it is going to be quite effective in the crease between someone's bottom cheeks and thighs, along the sides of the crack, and in other sensitive places.

Not bad for $2.

Ms. Betty