Monday, May 12, 2008

Where the blogs are...

Hello everyone.

Ms. Betty is neck deep in a big project to be revealed this Wednesday. As a result of spending a great many hours each day working on it, I'm having very little time to write our blog. I'm afraid you'll have to bear with me for a day or two.

In the meantime, a special request for Vincent:

And maybe one more, so we can end on a happier note.

Hey, so what's with me an the Oldies, anyway? I wasn't even born yet when most of this came out...

Well it's simple, about the time I started kindergarten Rick Dees, one of the first sleaze/shock jocks first made his appearance, soon DJs on stations all over becoming more and more vulgar by the day. My mother, being at all times a lady even if she was the ultimate flower child was thoroughly disgusted by this behavior. She was also something that was getting rare even then...a real parent. She quickly decided there was no need for me, or my still in diapers sister to have to be exposed to such garbage. So from then on, our house stuck to the oldies stations.

Living in a beach front town, there was still a lot of nostalgia for the surfing era and plenty of stations playing the music to match. So these are the songs of my childhood. Good, upbeat, clean music that still says a little something about life. I knew all the words to the Beach Boys and the Beatles biggest hits by the end of first grade, but graduated from high school without knowing the words to a single rap song, or being able to name a single rapper.

These days, Oldies to me bring back memories of summer drives with Dad as we all went down to the beach,(never, ever, every take tuna to the beach!), picnics, drives up the coast, and the Fourth of July show at Vets' stadium put on by the Long Beach fire department, complete with a demonstration put on by our local police dogs. My favorite? Ringo, the German Shepard, of course, handled by Officer Debbie, the first --and for 6 years the only-- female officer in the LBPD canine unit. Oh, and mom's triple-threat oatmeal cookies with semi-sweet, milk chocolate and butterscotch chips.

Happy Monday everybody! And, just in case you're sitting there with the Monday blahs, here's the cure:

Ms. Betty


Betty's Goodboy said...

my sister was a big Peter & gorden fan so I heard them a lot. They sound Beatlesque don't they.
This music takes me right back in time, and downtown got me in a creative mood...hmmn
Oh..Good luck with the big project maam, I know you've been working hard.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Betty,

Thank you for posting the Peter & Gordon song. I am so honored that you did that for me.
I was born in 1953, experienced first-hand and survived all of the craziness that was the sixties. Like You, all of the music from my youth resides in a very special place in my heart, and will, upon occasion, evoke very powerful memories. In this also, it appears, You and I are kindred spirits.

With Respect,



If I may leave a note for Betty's goodboy:
Most of the song "World Without Love" was written by Paul McCartney for his then long-time girlfriend/ fiance Jane Asher. Jane was Peter's sister. After John and Paul finally finished the song, they decided to give it to Peter and Gordon to help get them started in the right direction, as it were. It worked, and became the first of many hits. So your "Beatlesque" assessment is right on the money.