So it's Labor Day here in the US, a day specifically designed to give hard working people everywhere an extra day to relax (though remembering the struggles of the Labor Movement is a good idea, too.) The boys are scattered to the winds, enjoying their days.
Monday is my regular day off so no three day weekend for me, but I was off early enough Saturday afternoon to enjoy two wonderful days with my visiting in laws and still have today for myself. I'm thinking about a haircut and a manicure, but my robe is still feeling way too comfy to make venturing out seem like a good idea just yet.
In the meantime I'm sitting back with my coffee and conjuring evil plots. My new boy will come home from his camping trip to find I've arranged for a mystery package to be delivered to him, which he will then bring to our next meeting.
Little bunny is working today, but he is also looking over his shoulder. I told him last night a spanking would be coming his way today. He doesn't know when, he doesn't know how hard or how long, but he knows it's coming. (eep!)
pc is off doing what he does to have fun (being that these things usually involve individual sports of the risky nature I tend not to ask.) But when he gets into the office tomorrow a note will be waiting to inform him his English teacher spotted him cutting class and that he'll be dealt with accordingly. Hope the barbecue was worth it. ;)
Happy Labor Day
Ms. Betty