Certain bunnies among you and others know that I can do just about anything with a flyswatter.
Except swat flies. lol.
Or it was that way, until I changed my entire approach to the task.
Most people attack swatting a fly like the Mighty Casey going up to bat. We all think the harder, the faster, the stronger we swing the better the results.
But, in the words of an old song, "it ain't necessarily so!"
It doesn't take all that much force to smash a fly. They are, after all, tiny things.
But they are fast. In fact, flies are genetically coded to react to reflex to certain types of movement, and they can react much faster to those movement than we can react to theirs.
But only certain movements.
So if you very slowly place a flyswatter on edge somewhere near a fly they ignore it. Then just slowly press the blade down.
They never know what happened.
It's a good lesson to remember. You don't always have to be your strongest or fastest to get results.
Oh and btw, the same can often apply to giving an effective spanking!