Whenever possible I prefer to build my own implements. For me there is a deeply spiritual component of BDSM and making my own implements allows me to infuse myself into them in a way you just can't with a purchased implement. There is also something to be said for the fact that no one can know you and your body and what will be comfortable for you the way you can. Making your own tools allows for the ultimate in customization. It also allows more room to experiment with new or unique items you would not usually invest in.
As an example, I first began contemplating the purchase of my first single tail whip about two years ago. Two things stopped me. First, and honestly most important, the vendor I liked made his whips from kangaroo leather. There is a great deal of controversy surrounding kangaroo hunting and the use of kangaroo products. I didn't then and still don't know much about the plain facts surrounding it and research failed to turn up any reliable, unbiased information. I was unwilling to make a purchase I could not be sure of the ethics of. My second reason was I was not sure a single tail was a good fit for me and I didn't think it wise to invest several hundred dollars in a toy I might not be able to use. Even if I did get very, very good with it, living in a 700 square foot apartment would not leave me room to use one very often. After weighing all the facts I decided (somewhat reluctantly) against buying a single tail.
Then on my prowls through the internet I came across
The Frugal Domme and her instructions for making a
rope single tail. I looked them over. They seemed simple enough. I decided I could risk a few dollars in materials to try one out. Making the first one was easier and much more fun than I expected. I didn't even try to kid myself that my little homemade creation would match a professionally made whip, but I did expect it would give me a feel for throwing one and help me decide whether or not I liked the feel while I practiced enough to decide if I could develop any real skill for throwing it. And it would buy me time while I tried to find an answer to the kangaroo question. I don't get to practice with it often in my limited space. (Do you have any idea what happens when you try to throw a whip with a cat in the house?) As a result I don't really think of myself as good enough to use one in a scene yet. I tried it once and it went okay, but it definitely needs work, so all told I'm glad I did not invest in more expensive toy right off. (besides, I have my
Dragon Tongue which has a similar effect and produces very pretty
marks, so I don't feel too deprived.
But I am always on the lookout for the next new and interesting toy to add to my collection, everything from rubber spatulas to cats made of tiny plastic tubing about the width of spaghetti. The other day
The Spanking Blog mentioned quirts and it got me thinking. I know a little about them, but not much. After doing some looking around I discovered they were interesting looking little toys. A bit like a single tail, only smaller and easier to control. I decided I wanted one.
But I did not hit the "buy" button right away. The prices were a bit in the "too good to be true" range and the warnings about getting what you pay for when you buy equipment came back to me. And really, what can you tell from a picture on the internet? Not much. So I decided to hold back. I studied the picture again and realized just how like the single tail the weave of the quirt was. Then I got thinking. Perhaps I could try a rope quirt based on the rope single tail instructions? Would it come out? Would it work?
I'm still not sure, but I'm thinking about it. If I decide to make one, I'll let everyone know how it comes out.
Ms. Betty