Monday, September 15, 2008

Kinky Candy

Blame my husband. He's the one who brought me home a Big Hunk bar. For some reason it sent my mind straight into kink overdrive.

Though I don't think anyone can blame me...well not the kind of people who read this blog, anyway.

Let's start with the little yellow triangle in the corner that says what can look at first glance like "smack attack", especially when the wrapper is wrinkled. And then immediately under that is says "see backside", not see back, backside...and we all know that word doesn't get much use outside of spanking talk.

Then when you turn the label over it says to take the big hunk firmly in one hand and smack it against a hard surface. Now what am I supposed to say about that? Especially if with a little kinky editing your mind reads "take big hunk firmly in one hand and smack with a hard surface" a hairbrush, or a paddle.

Then there are those the awkward moments a candy like this makes possible in conversation. "Hang on a minute, I need to smack my Big Hunk."

Is it any wonder I was reduced to a fit of giggling?

And don't even get my started on the Birch Beer he brought me to go with the candy...


Jon said...

Good morning Ms. Betty! I love hearing about having a suggestive treat for a sweet tooth correlated to a sweet hand for a sweet kink. Have a great day it was wonderful to hear from you again!


Hermione said...

That's so funny! You think exactly the way I do.

I'm going out to explore a candy counter and see what kinky sweets we have here in Canada. I suppose "Smarties" might qualify.
