Monday, November 30, 2009

Heart of Fire

As requested by a commenter, I've dug up a picture of the heart of fire and it's two sister implements that I made from the same plastic jump rope.

I post this with the standard disclaimer about the lousy pictures I take:

Some of you who remember me from my 360 days may recall that when I started visiting pc at his office I had to tackle the challenge of finding quiet implements I could use there. The "ladies" as I call them were born of that need.

I'd bought the jump rope nearly a year before, thinking I'd find some fun thing to make from it but never getting around to it. Then about the time I was trying to come up with silent implements I saw a toy made from the same type of knot on an adult store website. Reluctant to buy such a thing sight unseen I decided to make my own instead, so I got out the jump rope and viola... The knot is a carrick knot, sometimes called a Josephine. As such I named the two implements Lady Josephine (the one in the middle) and her big sister, Lady Catherine (with the blue handle.)

After finishing them I had a short length of the jump rope left over. It wasn't quite long enough for another knot, but too long for a single loop. (Too much wrapping.) Since I thought the first two looked a bit like carpet beaters I took my inspiration there and modeled the third implement on the heart shaped carpet beaters I had sometimes seen. I did not name it, though, until the first time I applied it to pc's poor bottom and discovered the curious welts it left behind.

Ms. Betty


Florida Dom said...

From your previous post, it's obvious you're an expert at putting those implements to good use.


Hermione said...

Those look amazing! But I think I prefer to keep my distance.
