Sunday, January 24, 2010

Death of a Desktop

My old and faithful computer, Teena, finally gave up the ghost this past week.

In the 7 years I'd had her I rarely had trouble so I can hardly complain. She served well and worked hard.

We've decided to recycle her, putting new parts in the old case to bring her back to life. She'll be a new computer with a new name but the same spirit.

In the meantime, I'm using a little netbook for day to day email and surfing... and, God help me! using windows 7.

It's a sporty little machine, lots of zip and nice and light. Convenient, too. I never knew how decadent it felt to email someone from bed, but the keyboard is awfully small and uncomfortable for long spells of typing.

With any luck it will be just a few weeks before my new machine is up and running and regular blogging (well ok as close to regular as I get) will resume. I have a nice backlog of stories to share.

Ms. Betty


Betty's Goodboy said...

if anything happened to HAL I'd have a breakdown.

Anonymous said...

awful, to think of all the posts drafted, comments composed, pictures downloaded, all eternally burned on the hard drive. Its a dreadful loss, a part of yourself. I had that same sense of loss with a Dell Inspiron, pentium 2 that I couldn't bear to part with for all these reasons, it was like splitting up with an early girlfriend.

But once sentiment evaporates, remember the hard drive, I used largehammer2.0. Its a bit like asking a departing girlfriend for your letters and "THOSE" pictures back..