Tuesday, April 8, 2008

As You Wish

I have loved the movie The Princess Bride since before I was even kinky. Action, comedy, romance, what isn't to love? But even back when I was so timidly innocent that I didn't even really notice male bottoms, let alone get the itch to swat them, this scene was still my favorite.

There is something distinctly Femdom about the early interaction between Buttercup and Westley. Her greatest pleasure is ordering him around in that matter of fact tone, and merely calling him "farm boy" instead of by name. And Cary Elwes, that fresh-faced, innocent young man with mop of tousled hair and those piercing eyes responding to every command with that soft "as you wish." Even then it sent shivers through me.

I didn't exactly put two and two together back then. It was simply a gut reaction, something that struck a chord deep in the very core of me. It just felt sooo right, like a shower the perfect temperature, or that long, cool drink of water on a hot day. But I could not have told anyone why. I didn't know myself. It wasn't until many years later when I saw the movie through the "kink filter" that I became consciously aware of the underlying D/s themes in the scene.

Since then the fantasy has remained with me, taking a young or young at heart man full of sweet innocence and teaching him to answer my every command with "as you wish."


How did Carly Simon put it? Ah yes, the stuff that dreams are made of.

Ms. Betty


Betty's Goodboy said...

^:)^ as you wish mistress.

Jon said...

In many ways this scene bears a past resemblance to my very real isolated innocent young self on the farm with domestic farm duties before I graduated to field work.

Rather scary seeing the parallel.

Lot's of listening carefully, always expectations of polite responses of acknowledgment. The image of feedback of non-verbal chastizing long before words and reactions to a challenged order was always memorable! LOL!

My memories are old but incredibly real. I doubt such strong real life culture example exists on society today. Ah for those simple feelings of safety, contentment, and fulfillment. By today's standards it's hard to believe it wasn't fantasy! Thanks for the gift of fond cherish memory. I would have missed it.