Thursday, May 29, 2008

Spirituality and BDSM

This is a subject I touch on from time to time. I see very strong parallels between the two, and apparently I am not the only one. (See Raven Kaldera, among others.)

But it all my reading, I have never heard it put quite so perfectly as I did on the blog Street Prophets:

But Wicca says that this sacred, transformational sacred, as long as there is love. It is sacred when a couple in love unite their bodies with intent to make a baby. And it is equally as sacred when there’s birth control involved, when the sex cannot result in reproduction...or when the first kiss is not to her lips but to her booted foot.

The blog goes on to say:

There is room within this breadth of field for all kinds of relationships...I know a lot of pagans into various depths and styles of BDSM, for example. It doesn’t break the boundaries of our faith because both the grasping and wielding of power and the willing submission to another are both elements of the indwelling Deity that must be understood at a deep level in order to grow in one’s faith. The process of accessing the power of the gods involves a deep and total surrender, and wielding the power for the greater good involves taking a role of confident dominance. A Wiccan prayer I know blesses the wave that breaks on the sand, and blesses the sand that yields to the wave.

I strongly recommend that anyone interested in the spiritual/sacred side of sex read the entire blog. It's all wonderful, but I just wanted to highlight the BDSM portions here.

While the blog focuses on Pagan/Wiccan sexuality, it is important to remember that the spiritual truths found in BDSM are there regardless of the faith of the scene participants. The Divine is there as much for a Pentecostal Christian, or a Catholic or Muslim as it is for a Druid.

The same can be true of sex. But,you have to choose for it to be. It all comes down to your intentions. Sex and/or BDSM becomes what you make it, as does the rest of life.

Now everyone be safe, and go have some fun.

Ms. Betty

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