Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!

clipart courtesy

Yep, folks, Ms. Betty finally made it. Today is my 30th birthday. And yes, I'm happy about it. I understand that this is wrong, very wrong. Turning 30 is supposed to be the end of the world. I am supposed to get depressed, go on a crying jag, start frantically looking for grey hair and wrinkles and panic about all the things I haven't done with my life, but I've decided to skip all that.

The way I see it, every year is gained experience, new relationships, and new memories. Those are things I wouldn't trade for anything. If all it costs is a few lines on my face and a year of my life, so be it. After all, aren't those things what living is for?

The next time you hear someone lamenting getting older ask them if they'd really want to not have all the things that have made up that age. Hopefully they'll see. We aren't losing...we're gaining.

Ms. Betty


Betty's Goodboy said...

I wouldn't trade what I gained this last year for anything in the world.

happy birthday mistress!!

Hermione said...

Happy birthday, Ms. Betty!

As for turning 30 being the end of the world, kids! What do they know?

You won't believe what turning 40 or 50 feels like. Life just keeps on getting better and better!



A little belated (this is the first time that I have visited your blog)but many happy returns. Thirty is good, you are allowed to admit you are tired at 4am in the morning and no longer have to dance till dawn. 40 is something to look forward to, after 40 you are allowed to buy burgundy coloured cars and dance with your thumbs in the air :-)
