Thursday, June 19, 2008

I've said it before...

I'll say it again.

No amount of PR in the world is going to make this monstrosity appealing.

For those of you fortunate enough not to know, the above is the 32 ft tall fiberglass statue just outside of Denver International Airport. This is people's first glimpse of our town. Of all the first impressions we could make, we went with this. In the year when the entire world will be focused on Denver come August.

I am so anything but proud.

And no, being able to walk up to it and touch it would not help. I don't know anyone who'd want to stand under a 32 ft sculpture that killed the artist who made it. Knowing more about it doesn't help. It just makes the thing more sinister. And those bright red eyes that glow at night so they can be seen for miles around? Noooo. Not helping.

Face it, you guys went through a 10 year ordeal for a dud. Not all art is great, or even good. Just do us a favor and stop pretending it's not hideous. It is. Deal with it.

Ms. Betty

1 comment:

Betty's Goodboy said...

this thing is just too creepy.
and it's just ugly. it looks malnourished.