Thursday, June 5, 2008

How to tell that you're a bookworm...

It was a very book-y weekend in Ms. Betty's world.

It all started with this Wall Street Journal article about one man's passion for his books. When I hit the line about him needing an extra suitcase to bring back all the books he buys while he's on vacation I went "yep, that's me." (It kinda reminded me of a certain bunny, too.)

Remember Belle and the Beast and the library? Would have broken the spell on the spot for me. I firmly believe a man's true worth is directly related to what books he owns and/or has read.

Another sign? This week's episode of Dr. Who featured a library the size of a planet, copies of every book ever written. Real, hard bound paper and print books. I caught myself drooling. Actually drooling. My hands started to tingle...I wanted those books!

Yet another is when the idea of someone cutting up an "old, useless" book to make a purse out of makes your skin crawl while your brain shrieks in silent horror and images of some future airhead cutting up the last copy ever of the collected works of Shakespeare to make a fashion accessory, and the usually more rational part of your brain reluctantly acknowledges that that particular horror may not be as far fetched as you'd like to think. Cue the Munch painting.

But the ultimate sign that one is an incurable bookworm is when the cover of a book randomly used in a how-to article can fascinate you so completely you forget everything else you are doing and spend the entire day tracking down everything you can about said book. The book is this case is Freedom, an anthology edited by Martin Greenberg and Mark Tier:

Unfortunately there isn't much out there about it. I found it listed on Amazon, but no real information on what the book is about.

Anyone know anything about it?

Ms. Betty


Betty's Goodboy said...

yep..that's us. Having seen my library you know I'm a bookworm.
I once came across the aftermath of a yardsale. A lady was stacking books in boxes by their trash can. I asked her if I could have them, and securing her permission carried all five boxes, one trip at a time, the 2 blocks to mt house. Eighty-two hardback books, including 23 psycology texts...boooks!!!!

Jon said...

LOL! While my family work and life responsibilities curtail my old habits I'm so glad to know my love and interest in books is shared by such good friends! For the past few years it's been mostly non-fiction reading but in childhood and college even it was sci-fi fiction alot! Somedays I cry missing the freedom to read at my leisure!
