Aren't those something?
When we were watching the episode (Forest of the Dead, for non-Who fanatics) and I saw those, "Wow!" was all I could say. Chuck thought I was simply wowing over David Tennant in handcuffs. "Never mind David Tennant, did you see those cuffs?"
"There's just handcuffs."
"Nooo. Those are not your average cuffs."
So we had to rewind. "Well, they're hinged," says Chuck. He then starts to explain what hinged handcuffs are. Something about the look on my face stopped him. Suddenly he realized I'd probably seen hinged cuffs before. "They pivot," he said. "Most cuffs don't do that."
"Honey, look at those cuffs!" So we freeze frame the above shot while I point out the chunky design, the highly unusual hinge, etc, etc. By this time I am fascinated, I am obsessed. These cuffs are the best bondage toy I have ever seen, and I want them...badly!
Unfortunately we came to the conclusion that they were probably the creation of the Doctor's magical prop department rather than real handcuffs available for purchase somewhere. (He's a bit reluctant to ask the Dr. Who forum, so we don't know for sure.)
Eventually we watched the rest of the episode, I think I remember the plot, mostly, but my mind was still on those cuffs... and Professor River Song's answer when the Doctor asks why she has them. ["Spoilers," she says with a wicked smile. >:) ]
Thank you, Steven Moffat! He always writes my favorite Who episodes. I suppose that should nto be surprising, after all we are talking about the man who brought us Lesbian Spank Inferno. ;)
Ms. Betty
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