Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saving For a Rainy Day-- Thursday

Thursday morning dawned overcast. The promise of rain hung heavy in the air, but pc found that wasn't necessarily a blessing.

11:10 AM Being locked all day does take some getting used to. I do have to adjust myself quite a bit as I sit. I did use a bit larger ring today, which I think helps more for extended wear - doesn't squeeze my balls quite as much. Before my meeting, I did try to wiggle out of that to just see if I could (knowing I was taking it off for the meeting). AT first, I thought I might be able to wiggle out, but my balls are too large. It started squeezing my balls as I tried to pull out, but there was no way I was getting my balls through that tight spot. In fact, I kind of got stuck in a painful situation, with my balls part way through, but clearly not going allthe way. Good thing I had the key.. as I quickly unlocked and took it off. A very good lesson that a boy should never try to escape ... he might get stuck in a very uncomfortable position. And, if the boy ever did manage to get out, there would be no way to get it back on. Anyway, glad I learned that lesson.

11:22 AM I also have a new apprecation for women and going to the bathroom. Having to sit to pee with this cage on makes me realize what women go though. I don't think I will ever leave a toilet seat up again after I use it.

11:35 AM looks like it might be clouding up. Looking foward to some rain and getting out and getting to cum. Also, somewhat worried, though, if it starts and stops raining several times. I can cum quickly the first time, but sometimes it takes a bit more to cum the second time. In my youth, I could even cum 3 or 4 times masturbating.. Not sure I could cum 3 or 4 times, but i guess I will find out if it starts and stops that many times. This is quite the game.

12:52 PM boy, just started pouring here... quickly got the cage off and masturbated and came in about 2 minutues. Came a lot too. Cage is now back on and it is still raining. I have a feeling I will be doing this again when it stops and then starts.

1:45 PM started raining again a bit ago.. I quickly took the cage off and began stroking furiously. I finally came after about 4 minutes of stroking and it was still raining. Didn't know if I was going to make that. I sure hope it doesn't rain again today. My shaft is starting to get a bit sore.

4:15 PM I think I am lucky it didn't rain again this afternoon. Not sure I could have cum a third time.

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