Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saving For a Rainy Day

As long as I've known him, pc has had a fascination with rainy days. They bring out a certain restlessness and deep yearnings only a stinging bottom can quell.

Unfortunately, our schedules rarely meet up just right to take advantage of those stormy days. A pity, really, but one of life's little quirks.

So here we are again as spring gives way to summer and Colorado once again enters what some call "monsoon season", that time of year when heat and heavy humidity smolder all day until giving way to pounding thunderstorms sometime in the late afternoon or evening.

The rain doesn't materialize every day, but when it does the relief is overwhelming. The storm breaks loose and it feels like taking a deep sigh after holding your breath for hours. The wait for the rain seems endless. You pace back and forth all day trying to think of anything but how hot, damp, and sticky you feel. Your clothes stick, your skin crawls and you'll do anything-- Anything for relief. Then the wave of the storm crashes over you and the weight of the air melts away. Nothing has ever felt so good or so right.

Of course those of you who have experienced the dread and joy of a chastity cage know that other things can feel that way. Historically, there has been a strong mythological link between rain and male fertility, so it seems only right to combine the two for kinky purposes.

Recently I got pc one of those cages and I've been slowly conditioning him to it. He's worn it a little while every day, longer each time as he grows more used to it.

Last week, we were talking about the weather when a very wicked thought occurred to me. I drew up a set of rules, and we began the game: The weather forecast predicted a significant chance of rain every day for the week, so we made a little bet. Each morning he put on his cage, taking it off only when it rained. There was no in between. For three whole days the rain controlled his personal "fertility". If it rained, so did he, any time it rained, every time it rained. If it stayed dry, he stayed dry.

It made for a very interesting week...


Dave The Rave said...

I guess that makes the classic song "Save It For A Rainy Day" appropriate. LOL

mitch said...

You are so Devilish, Ms Betty. I love it ... or would I?